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Info ABC's.

The info abstract classes.

InfoVersion #

Bases: PayloadBase

Version information.

All information, about the version of lavalink that is running.

Lavalink Reference

semver instance-attribute #

semver: str

The full version string of this Lavalink server.

major instance-attribute #

major: int

The major version of this Lavalink server.

minor instance-attribute #

minor: int

The minor version of this Lavalink server.

patch instance-attribute #

patch: int

The patch version of this Lavalink server.

pre_release class-attribute instance-attribute #

pre_release: str = msgspec.field(name='preRelease')

The pre-release version according to semver as a . separated list of identifiers.

build class-attribute instance-attribute #

build: str | None = msgspec.field(default=None)

The build metadata according to semver as a . separated list of identifiers.

InfoGit #

Bases: PayloadBase

Git information.

All of the information about the lavalink git information.

Lavalink Reference

branch instance-attribute #

branch: str

The branch this Lavalink server was built on.

commit instance-attribute #

commit: str

The commit this Lavalink server was built on.

commit_time class-attribute instance-attribute #

commit_time: int = msgspec.field(name='commitTime')

The millisecond unix timestamp for when the commit was created.

InfoPlugin #

Bases: PayloadBase

Plugin information.

All of the Information about the currently loaded plugins.

Lavalink Reference

name instance-attribute #

name: str

The name of the plugin.

version instance-attribute #

version: str

The version of the plugin.

Info #

Bases: PayloadBase


All of the Info Version information.

Lavalink Reference

version instance-attribute #

version: InfoVersion

The version of this Lavalink server.

build_time class-attribute instance-attribute #

build_time: int = msgspec.field(name='buildTime')

The millisecond unix timestamp when this Lavalink jar was built.

git instance-attribute #

git: InfoGit

The git information of this Lavalink server.

jvm instance-attribute #

jvm: str

The JVM version this Lavalink server runs on.

lavaplayer instance-attribute #

lavaplayer: str

The Lavaplayer version being used by this server.

source_managers class-attribute instance-attribute #

source_managers: typing.Sequence[str] = msgspec.field(

The enabled source managers for this server.

filters instance-attribute #

filters: typing.Sequence[str]

The enabled filters for this server.

plugins instance-attribute #

The enabled plugins for this server.